Erik's Zeug
2017-07-30 14:11:56

.SUR Creation - 5. Example: Multi-Part Battleship

This is the last part of a series of tutorials about how to create physical models (.SUR files) for Freelancer.

Multi part fighters may be a nice touch, but if there is something that really makes sense to destruct piece for piece it is a battleship!
And because the biggest one (besides the Nomad's) is the Rheinwehr's Battleship, we will take a closer look at it. Just before we start: It needs all our knowledge about how to create convex meshes and, most important, how to work with Schmackbolzen's .OBJ to .SUR Converter.

Click to read full article.

2017-07-30 14:01:08

.SUR Creation - 2. About Surface (SUR) Files

This is the second part of a series of tutorials about how to create physical models (.SUR files) for Freelancer.

Freelancer needs SUR files to generate collisions/physics of objects and their groups. A SUR group always must have the same name of the CMP group it is assigned to (do not forget the common _lod1 ending!). Because of this, SUR groups always move with their parent CMP group. They do not move with other SUR groups. Every single SUR group can consist of multiple convex meshes (see last Chapter).

Click to read full article.