Erik's Zeug

Downloads in Models, Portal 2

Energy Ball
Author: Skotty
Released: 2011-07-05
Updated: 2016-05-27
Size (MB): 1.5
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In this pack you will find the following:
  • materials, models and sounds for the normal energy ball
  • materials and models for the clean energy ball launcher and catcher
  • instances for dirty and clean launchers and catchers

Put the materials, sounds and models folder to Steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\portal2\
Put the Instances folder to Steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\sdk_content\maps\instances\

To hear energy ball sounds in-game, rebuild your soundcache (snd_rebuildaudiocache). Always include all missing materials, sounds and models to your maps! (Doing so makes snd_rebuildaudiocache for that map unnecessary, too)

Physical Wall Panels
Author: Skotty
Released: 2013-01-04
Size (MB): 0.003
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Those are wall panels as models, to avoid lighting problems when used as moving/physical objects.

The panels come in the dimensions of 32x32x2 and 64x64x8.

The 32x32 panels have ceiling textures:
  • Skin 0 - observation room ceiling
  • Skin 1 to 8 - underground ceiling tiles, different variations
  • Skin 9 to 16 - white dirty ceiling tiles, different variations

Click to see full description.

Physical Wall_dest_section03
Author: Skotty
Released: 2012-11-17
Size (MB): 0.133
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This is a full physical version of wall_dest_section03.mdl.

Put the models folder to Steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\portal2\.

Light-Beam Platform
Author: Skotty
Released: 2012-02-17
Size (MB): 0.483
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Just because Portal 2 is a newer game there is no reason to waste old testing elements. A good example besides the Energy Balls are the Light Beam Platforms. They can be used everywhere because they don't need any fixed points at walls like Portal 2's moving platforms.

In this pack there are also the missing models and textures for all the parts of the Light Beam Track. I recompiled the corner model and made it to a static prop.

Click to see full description.